We are closed for forever. Thank you for 13 years.

We were located at 1623 Allesandro St., Los Angeles, CA 90026

1623 Allesandro St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Los Angeles

(213) 673-1473

Bedrock.LA is Echo Park’s massive music mecca founded in 2009 by three musicians who believed there was a better way to provide creative space, the East(side) LA landmark has arisen with a giant mural visible from space. Featuring 40,000 square feet sound sanctuary with over 100 rooms of air conditioned facilities, we serve the working local and touring musicians offering a one-stop shop for all things music. Rehearse - Record - Rent - Relax.



BedrockLA was founded by Cosmo Jones, Kamran V and Phil Feinman. Managed by John O'Donnell and Ben Reddell, BedrockLA has been home to many clients, from local heroes to touring international acts, to legends.

Your friends at Bedrock

Bedrock.LA was founded by Cosmo Jones, KamranV and Phil Feinman. All musicians, Cosmo and Kamran have a background in technology, design and marketing and Phil has a background in electrical engineering–all of which gets put to good use at Bedrock.LA

We started Bedrock.LA because we were unhappy with the rehearsal options in Los Angeles. We thought we could create a place with nicer gear, a more creative vibe and fill it with friendly people. So we did, and it has grown into a Los Angeles landmark. Easily identified as "that giant building with the huge awesome mural" (by Cyrcle), we have 40,000sf of rock and roll coursing through our veins. 

Bedrock.LA is more than a big building, it's built on the backs of hardworking musicians who share our vision and provide the lifeblood that sustains it. 

Our history of Co-Workers

Adam Aaronson
Addison Ong
A.J. Herald
Albert Mejia
Alex Gamble
Alex Lubinsky
Andres Gonzalez
Angus Brebner
Art Martinez
Ben Reddell
Brad Kemp
Bryan Gray
Cameron Shull
Carson Garhart
Claire Morison
Claudia Vazquez
Connor Kranicz
Corey Caron
Dan Beattie
Daniel Christiansen
David Lane
Drew Kowalski
Eli Thomas
Elon Katz
Eric Huff
Eric Rennaker
George Earth
Hannah Kacmarsky
Jakes Bayley
Jasson Gomringer
Jean Paul Garnier
Jean Spinosa
Jeanette Smith
Jeremy Burchard
Jessica Espeleta
Jessica Park
John Carpenter
Johnny O’Donnell
Jose Tovar
Julian Medina
LaDaniel Maxwell
Mahima Joshi
Marcel Martinez
Marshall Vore
Marty Sataman
Marvin Mejia
Meg Sharrah
Michael Siciliano
MJ Medina
Molly Atkinson
Nevin Thomas
Nick Tipp
Phil Feinman
Ricardo Martinez
Ronnie Avalos
Ruby Kendrick
Sarah Mia Drennon
Scott Cornish
Scott Wolff
Sean Forrester
Spencer Allen
Steven Sherak
Taylor Pollock
Tim Shrout
Timothy Norris
Travis Labrel
Tyler Gardin
Tyler Shields
Yannel Aguirre
Yoshi Inoue